Make Up Image AW24 Look 03 05 2-1 2400x1200 sRGB 0624

Softness & strength

Individual beauty is not about concealing weaknesses but underlining uniqueness. This belief was the inspiration behind the colours and textures of the Vibrant Earth Collection. The deep brown shade of Magic Shadow 55 Earth can be both soft and strong, just like the gaze that it frames, while Eye Performer Truffle intensifies the expression of the eyes with rich depth. The matte, earthy red of Sensual Lipstick M407 Carmine on the lips completes the self-confident understatement of the look, creating a harmonious balance between strength and calm casualness.

With its harmonious shades inspired by earth and nature and flowing movement in the hair, the Blow Dry Spray supports flexibility and weightlessness with natural shine and Mattifying Grip Spray creates voluminous grip and matte nonchalance.

Get the look with these styling products:

Get the look with these styling products:


Experience the "Vibrant Earth" Make-up Collection in this captivating look, where the bold allure of Sensual Lipstick M 407 Carmine meets the rich depth of Eye Performer Truffle. A harmonius balance between strength and tranquility as the deep, sultry tones evoke a sense of inner peace. Let your beauty reflect serenity.

Experience the "Vibrant Earth" Make-up Collection in this captivating look, where the bold allure of Sensual Lipstick M 407 Carmine meets the rich depth of Eye Performer Truffle. A harmonius balance between strength and tranquility as the deep, sultry tones evoke a sense of inner peace. Let your beauty reflect serenity.

Discover all your new favorite products here:

Luxury Liner
Pencil for Eyes Violet Silk
Magic Shadow 55 Earth
Eye Performer Truffle
Sensual Lipstick Matte M407 Carmine
Automaic Pencil for Eyes K29 Fern
Magic Shadow 56 Moss
Daily Care Lipstick Fresh
Brilliant Nail Blush Pearl
Liquid Glam
Luxury Liner
Pencil for Eyes Violet Silk
Magic Shadow 55 Earth
Eye Performer Truffle
Sensual Lipstick Matte M407 Carmine

Discover the other looks:

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